Decals offer more options for customizing your paint job

Punisher skull painted with a decal stencil
Customizing your paint job has never been easier!
Decals offer tons of different options for customizing your paint job.
At TD Customs, we are able to design something on the computer, print it on a plotter and use the vinyl cut out as a stencil or template for what you’d like painted. A popular option is painting a logo or custom image on your vehicle, motorcycle, helmet, etc. It also opens the door to many other design possibilities. A paint job can be turned into so much more with the flexibility that decals allow.
Customizing your paint job
Don’t settle for average when you can do something completely unique that you’ll love. Even adding something small can completely change the look and feel of your ride. It just depends on your style and your ideas. What may have been stock and average looking will now be something uniquely yours.
Logos/ emblems
If you want a whole new custom paint job, but also want the Harley-Davidson logo on your tank or Jeep logo in a certain color on your vehicle, for example, decals make it happen.
We have done with this with many motorcycle tanks. Some need to be a very specific size, style and color to match the factory original look. Others prefer a custom paint job but would like to keep the logo. It’s up to the owner and what kind of paint job we’re doing.

Emblems painted on using vinyl decal stenciling
Adding logos back on to vehicles can now be done in whatever color you choose to compliment the new paint job, like on this Jeep. The owners decided on the teal and orange paint scheme you see here. We measured the area where the emblem was meant to be and painted the logo in orange by using a vinyl template we printed.

Jeep emblem redone and painted on to match paint job
We do this quite a bit with factory emblems and logos, as you can see in the photo below and on the motorcycle tanks above. In the following picture, Tim is airbrushing on the Harley logo to go with the ghosted in flames. Typically he sprays the paint with his paint gun, but this job called for a more subtle, ghosted look.

Tim spraying the Harley logo onto a motorcycle tank
The design was black with subtle silver ghosted in flames and the Harley-Davidson logo. The owner went with a shimmery silver and didn’t want it to be too much of a solid color.
Custom Images
Maybe you just want a cool image on your vehicle. One option is airbrushing, but that takes an airbrush artist and a substantially higher cost. The better option in many situations is to find the image online and see if we can recreate it. Maybe you love hearts or stars, or have a specific theme for your car or motorcycle.
We added the image of a yeti/ sasquatch on the hood of this Jeep by simply picking the perfect image online and printing it onto vinyl. We painted an orange base, then applied the vinyl and painted the teal over it. At the end, lifting the vinyl reveals the yeti image you see below.
Decals are also a great option for personalizing your vehicle, motorcycle, or other keepsake item. The helmet below was done as a retirement gift. It included the company’s logo and a personalized, “In Recognition of Service to …”. We applied these elements with decals. The company then took it to gather employee signatures, and brought it back for us to clear coat. It’s a very unique helmet that will have sentimental value for its owner for years to come.
A lot of the logos and images we use can be found online. Most of the images we paint on, like the ones on this page, were found online and made into a decal with a transparent background and used as a stencil for paint. You may also email us an image or bring in an image as inspiration. We’re happy to work with you to get the look you want.
What are your ideas for customizing your paint job?
How can we turn your paint job into something special that you’ll love?
Contact TD Customs to discuss your next paint job with us and to get on the schedule today!
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