Get your helmet painted to match your bike!

Helmet painted to match motorcycle
It is that time of the year! Time for warm weather, sun and perfect riding conditions. We love getting out on the bike as much as we can during the Spring/Summer/early Fall months. And because Tim is the creative painter that he is, we are constantly changing our paint job on it. Whether we get a new bike or just want to give ours a new look, we have fun with our paint jobs. If we’re going to be spending that much time on the bike, we want to love how it looks!
If you’re getting a motorcycle paint job or love the current look of your bike, consider painting your helmet to match. Customizing your motorcycle helmet is a fun way to express yourself and show off a cool, custom paint job. It’s another accessory.
I like to switch up paint jobs on my motorcycle helmet every couple years just to have fun with it. Last year, I was into the pinks, this year I may choose something new. Plus, there are some scuffs on it from me dropping it on the ground every so often, so it’ll be nice to get it redone.
You want your helmet to look as cool as your bike paint job. We can get your helmet painted a completely unique paint scheme that fits your personal style.
Custom Painted Motorcycle Helmets
There’s a ton of different possibilities for painting your helmet. We can paint it to match an existing motorcycle paint job, to match a new paint job we’re doing on your motorcycle, or paint it the colors and scheme you decide. If you have specific images, words or logos you would like on your helmet, we can use decals to create the perfect painted look. We have several custom paint options that will make your helmet one-of-a-kind. See our Photo Gallery for pics of our work.

Chromalusion, color-changing painted helmet
We have various custom paint techniques that create a really cool look. For example, we can paint your helmet with a Chromalusion, chameleon color-changing paint that makes it appear all different colors depending on the angle you are looking at it. The photo to the right shows a helmet with a pink/ purple/ green Chromalusion paint.

Green marble effect custom painted motorcycle helmet
Another technique that looks really cool on motorcycles and bike helmets is the marble effect, as seen on the green helmet here or these blue and black motorcycle parts. Feel free to read more about our marble effect paint technique – it’s highly customizable since we can adjust the look and amount of color you want showing.
Lumilor Lit Helmets
If you want an amazing paint job for your helmet, consider making it light up. This will truly make it one-of-a-kind, as well as give you the added safety of being able to be seen on the road. We can paint the entire helmet, or just accent stripes or images on the sides. This motorcycle helmet was painted completely in Lumilor and included the spotted accents. We can work with you on the design of your choosing. The helmet would then be able to to be turned on and off by a simple switch. See our Lumilor page for more details on the product.

Lumilor lit helmet
Is it time to get your helmet painted?
We all know that when you love how your motorcycle or helmet looks, you’re that much more excited to get on it and ride. It’s just nice to have something that is uniquely yours that you love. The riding season is thankfully upon us, so bring your motorcycle or helmets in for a paint job now.
Contact us to get your motorcycle and helmet painted and ready for riding season! We’ll have you and your bike looking great in no time.
TD Customs is located in Mills River, right down the road from the Asheville Airport. We serve all surrounding areas, including Asheville and Hendersonville. We’ve also worked with customers who do not live locally, and have shipped us their bike parts or helmets for paint jobs. Let us know if you are interested in this option. We look forward to working with you!
August 22, 2022 (9:11 am)
Can you match to Harley’s “Snake Venom” color?
July 27, 2019 (7:37 pm)
Restoring a 1973 Honda CB450 K6. Has original Tyrolean Green with gold striping paint. What would it cost to have a matching Tyrolean Green and gold helmet? Do I supply the helmet or are there helmets better for painting that you sell with the paint job (current helmet is a deep maroon-didn’t get it to match this bike.)
TD Customs
July 31, 2019 (9:40 am)
We’d prefer you bring us the helmet, since that can be such a personal choice, but we can definitely paint it to match. Could you bring in a painted part for us to see? Contact Tim at 828-505-6603 to discuss paint scheme and when a good time might be.
June 2, 2021 (7:55 pm)
Did you guys ever get a respond back?
Allen Gutierrez
March 29, 2019 (7:13 pm)
How much would you charge to color match a full face helmet to match my 2011 Street Glide in Merlot?
John C Hughes
September 11, 2019 (7:21 pm)
I have a 2016 cvo Harley Streetglide,color atomic red with ghost flames,I have a flat black hjc harley capstone modular that i would like to match my bike with or without the ghost flames,Is this something you could do and could you give me an idea of price?Thankyou John Hughes,,115Fisher Ave Brick NJ,08723,732-207-7313
Sandy Malcom
February 8, 2019 (11:43 am)
My Harley is a custom color. Silver Flux and Black Fuse. I’ll d like to have my helmet sand color and scheme. Can you and how much $
TD Customs
March 14, 2019 (10:02 pm)
Give Tim a call at 828-505-6603 to talk to him about the paint color options and design. He’d be happy to help you!
Mike Nobles
July 28, 2018 (1:53 pm)
I have a 2017 Strret Glide Special in laguna orange. I have a full face helmet and would like to have it painted to match bike. In the process of getting wife a helmet so would need a price for both of them.
Scott M Parrish
May 3, 2018 (11:46 pm)
Interested in painting a helmet to match my 2008 Low Rider Anniversary (Anniversary Copper Pearl 98609 CVF and Vivid Black 98609 DH. Pinstripes are HD Orange Pinstripe 98601 CVG and Pale Gold Pinstripe 98600 JI) Very open to discussing design. Can we talk and get a general idea of pricing?
TD Customs
May 8, 2018 (1:15 pm)
We can definitely help with that, Scott. Great colors. Please give Tim a call at 828-505-6603 to discuss.
February 24, 2017 (10:02 pm)
Looking for a quote on painting a Shoei GT air to Match 2009 Street Glide paint of Black Pearl.
November 8, 2017 (8:53 pm)
I just bought a new 2017 Harley Road Glide Special with the brand new color orange they just came out with this year, I would like it to be full face with Harley Davidson on it somewhere, you can design and send pictures and price.
Jeff Downs
February 5, 2017 (3:56 pm)
I’d like to get my Nolan N-104 helmet painted to match my 2014 Harley Street Glide Special which has the Harley Amber Whiskey paint color. Can you do this? If so, please email a quote.
Ronnie Rogers
August 17, 2021 (12:26 pm)
Are you still in business
Oral Robinson
October 25, 2016 (10:02 pm)
I would like to have my motorcycle helmet painted to make my bike. It is a Suzuki GSXR 1000 2001 WHITE & BLUE. I can ship it to you just need a quote. I live in Kentucky. Thanks.