Motorcycle Safety: Increasing Visibility
The most important aspect of motorcycle safety is visibility. Motorcyclists need to be visible while out on the road. So many accidents happen because of other drivers not being able to see the motorcycles that share the road with them.
Motorcycles are at a slight disadvantage because they are smaller than the average car and aren’t easily noticed. Drivers tend to look out for other cars and trucks on the road, but fail to notice the motorcycles that might right near them. The more visible bike riders are, the safer they will be.
Motorcycle Safety Tips
Here are a few tips on how to increase visibility and stay safe while riding…
Get a bright, eye-catching motorcycle paint job
The brighter the paint job, the better other drivers will be able to spot you and the bike. Completely black motorcycles may be harder to see, especially at night, while brighter paint colors may jump out at drivers more.
Wear high visibility gear
Another way to make sure you are being seen is to wear gear that is easily noticeable. Your helmet and jacket will help others see you if they are bright enough. Wearing caution colors such as yellow or orange, even if just in small accents, will encourage people to look twice. If riding at night, a helmet or jacket with small reflectors or reflector tape will catch people’s eyes enough for them to notice a there is someone there.
Paint your bike with electroluminescent paint
Electroluminescent paint is a paint product that is connected to an electric source, such as your motorcycle battery, and can produce a real light that you control with a switch. Having a Lumilor paint job on your motorcycle ensures that your motorcycle is seen, as the bike literally becomes a light itself. Certified Lumilor Labs, like TD Customs, can apply a custom Lumilor paint job to your bike that will light up and be completely unique, with whatever top coat paint scheme you’d like.

Light your bike up with EL paint
Stay out of blindspots
We all know when we drive, that we can’t always see what is in our blind spot. Err on the side of caution and don’t expect the driver is going to notice you if you are in their blind spot. It may be one of those times they aren’t paying attention and don’t look over their shoulder. Also use caution when passing another vehicle, making sure you pass quickly and get into a lane where you are visible.
Practice defensive driving
Motorcycle safety includes being cautious and practicing defensive driving. You cannot always control other drivers out there, but you can control how much distance you leave between you and other vehicles, how thoroughly you look in both directions before pulling out, and how cautious you are in general.

The Parkway is calling!
We are so glad riding season is finally here so we can go ride through the Blue Ridge mountains! Where is your favorite place to go riding? Leave us a comment!
TD Customs is a custom motorcycle paint shop located right outside of Asheville. See our Motorcycle Photo Gallery for pics of our work. If you’re in need of a flawless motorcycle paint job, contact us and we’ll get you on the schedule.
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