El Camino rebuild is under way!
The El Camino rebuild is officially under way!
We’ve finally been able to make some time to get the TD Customs El Camino in for a full restoration and a new, next level custom paint job. Everything is getting overhauled. Even the motor is going to match the paint job. You don’t see many motors like this one…
The first priority was to get it completely sanded down and ready for paint. This included doing the body work on some of the waves in the panels and random dings here and there. It was already pretty straight since Tim had done body work when painted it before, but there’s always more that can be done to get it perfect.
The El Camino was originally red when we bought it, so you can see the areas that needed to be sanded down more than others. The last paint job was done a lot quicker, so we had just left the door jambs red. This time, not one aspect of the build was overlooked. It’s going to be a true show car.
The body work is all done, and car has been completely primed. It looks to me like a blank slate. Now is when the magic happens!

ELCO in primer
Next order of business is the paint job – First, we are painting Lumilor on the areas that will be lit, and then diving into the custom blue paint job that is going to be unlike anything else. Tim actually designed the paint himself by picking several colors he has been looking at (for months) and working with our paint specialist to get just the right color combination. There are going to be several different elements in the paint job itself that give it that little something extra. We won’t give away all the details just yet, but you’ll definitely want to see this one!
Read Saying goodbye to the El Camino as we know it to read up on a brief history of the ELCO and what we plan on doing to it.
We are also redoing the paint job on our 2004 Kawasaki Vulcan. It’s going to match the El Camino, both with the blue custom paint and design, and the Lumilor. It’s going to look killer!
The El Camino and the motorcycle are going to be great pieces to showcase our work, both through the unique custom paint, and the Lumilor electroluminescent paint. We can’t wait to hit the car shows and bike shows this summer and show it all off!
Make sure to connect with us online (Like us on Facebook!) or subscribe to the blog to see the finished product of these paint jobs. We’re pretty excited!
Jazmyne Dempsey
March 29, 2018 (6:36 pm)
I have 1980 el Camino base V8 and I just want my first car painted and I want to know how much would it cost??
TD Customs
April 19, 2018 (11:10 am)
We’d need to see the car and the extent of body work to really give you a good estimate. Feel free to stop by the shop and we can talk about it. Love those ELCOs!