Trans Am Transformation!

The inspiration pic
This 1970 Trans Am was originally a dark red/ maroon color with white accents, and has gotten painted back to the factory-original blue with white accents. The owner gave us a poster of the car with the paint scheme he wanted for inspiration.
It’s always nice when we get to see such a drastic difference in the paint jobs we do. Getting all the body work taken care of, and going from dark red to a true blue color has truly transformed the car.
Here is what the TA looked like when it was first brought in.

’70 Trans Am: Before
With this restoration, we stripped the paint off and did a lot of body work. There were some rust holes that needed to be removed and replaced with new patches. This was one of our bigger restorations that we’ve been working on, with more body work than we had anticipated. Before a paint job, the body work is what takes the most time. Many hours are put in before the body can be made perfectly smooth and straight.
The paint is one of the colors it originally came in – Lucerne Blue. First, we paint all the inner areas, and then assemble the hood, doors, and trunk lid back on the car before final paint.
The paint job on this car called for three colors; the Lucerne blue base, with a white stripe and black border. Precise measuring and taping was important for this one so that all the lines lined up just right.
The black and white get painted first. Then those get masked off, and Tim paints the whole car last. That’s when these restorations really come to life.
After paint, it’s time to reassemble everything back on the car, and give it a thorough buff and polish.
Without further ado, here are the After pictures of the Trans Am. The body work is so straight and the paint job turned out great!
Like many classics, this one holds sentimental value for its owner. His late brother owned the car and left it to him. He wanted to keep his brother’s memory alive by restoring the car and keeping it in the family. It turned out great, and we hope this car brings back fond memories for years to come.
The 1970 Trans Am classic auto restoration turned out great. See our Restoration page for more information and feel free to browse our Photo Galleries to see more of our work.
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