Lumilor training is going great!

One of Tim’s 1st Lumilor projects
It’s been a great week so far! TD Customs is here in Las Vegas getting certified in electroluminescent paint application, and it couldn’t be going better. There is a lot to learn. Lumilor is so cool! Seeing the light come through after applying the coating system, especially for the first time, is awesome.
Tim is absolutely loving the class. He is learning all about the product, how to create the electric charge, apply it to all different kinds of surfaces, and how it reacts with other topcoats, etc. It’s a fairly complex application process, so he and the others in the class have been working on painting flat square panels and speed shapes so they can practice, practice, practice. They’re also working with different LumiColors that are available to see how each will look lit and unlit. Experimenting with different LumiColors and topcoats opens up a lot of different options for customization.

Freedmont Street during Halloween weekend
We’ve been enjoying Las Vegas as well. Since we’re here for a couple weeks, we’re taking our time seeing everything and trying new restaurants. Last night, we went downtown, aka Freemont Street, and boy is there some good people watching to do there! Lots of people dress up and perform on the street for tips, so it was very entertaining.
Next week is SEMA, which we’re getting excited for as well! I’ll be taking as many educational seminars as I can on marketing and automotive business practices, and the last couple days Tim will be out of class and able to walk around to all the booths. We can’t wait to see what kinds of cool, custom cars there are going to be, and to talk to some vendors of products we use or would like to learn about.
And BEST of all, we can’t wait to see what Lumilor is going to unveil at the SEMA Show this year! We’ve heard tidbits about what they’re showing off, so we know it’s going to be big! I’ll be there Monday morning!!
To keep up on #TDCustomsDoesVegas and all the latest Lumilor and SEMA happenings, follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
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