Hello old friend! ’63 Studebaker back for Paint!
Oh hello, 1963 Studebaker Avanti. Nice to have you back for the rest of your paint job!

Awhile back we had this 1963 Studebaker Avanti in the shop for engine bay and door jamb repainting. The owner wanted us to get all the inner jambs and the engine painted, and then take it to get a motor put in, and then bring it back for the exterior paint job.

Before engine bay repainting
We don’t usually do paint jobs in stages like this. However, if it works for a customer in terms of budget or their preferences, we are happy to do so. In this case, the owner specifically wanted the engine bay painted before the new motor was put in. We understand this logic. Putting in a new motor can be messy and you always run the risk of damaging the paint.
And when the paint job is this flawless, we totally get it.

That’s better – After engine bay repainting
The picture above is how we last saw the Studebaker when it left the shop a few months ago. The only difference in how it returned was that the new motor was installed.

Back for exterior paint job
Now that the Studebaker is back, we are going to some body work to the exterior of the car. The body on this car is in good condition and fairly straight. Therefore, it should just take a few days of sanding and perfecting to get it ready for paint.
Here is the Studebaker after sanding down the paint, priming it, and starting on body work and block sanding…
The Studebaker paint job involves removing all doors, hood, and trunk lid to paint every inch of the car. We’ve recently heard that not all body shops in our area will even consider doing full paint jobs like this. They stick to the quick collision repairs. TD Customs is beyond excited to completely refinish your vehicle. Color change? Full restoration? We say yes to it all.
And now the once gold Studebaker Avanti is a beautiful light blue color…

1963 Studebaker Avanti with TD Customs paint job
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