Let’s make your car different than all the rest
Have you ever walked up to a car thinking it was yours, and it wasn’t? Ever wish your car could stand out from all the rest?
Well, you don’t have to go out and buy a brand new vehicle to get that new look. If you’ve been feeling down on your car and thinking it’s time for an upgrade, consider sprucing it up through a paint job or some custom modifications.
Specific makes and models come in set colors. Maybe you get your choice of a few different paint options, but that’s it. Plus, buying a new vehicle is costly, and you’ll eventually run into the same scenario of seeing “your” car everywhere you go.
It doesn’t take a complete overhaul to upgrade your vehicle. You can put your personality into your car through an accent color or making small modifications.
Inspiration for a custom paint job that fits your personality can come from almost anywhere. There are tons of pictures of cars, trucks and motorcycles online. Try searching for certain elements you like in a paint job. For example, you could look into different ways stripes are laid out down a car, whether down the middle, off-centered, and with varied thickness. Try searching for the colors you like or the designs you’ve taken a second glance at in the past. Inspiration is everywhere – even in our own Photo Galleries.
Custom Modifications
What do you think would look good on your specific car? Take some time to really look at your car and its body lines. Can you work with any of the lines to create a new design? Lines in the body of a car can lend themselves to design ideas. If there’s a soft body line down the side of the car, maybe it can create a defining line for two-toning the car.
Even adding just a solid, colored line to the side of your vehicle can give it that little something extra. The truck shown below is a good example of working with the vehicle’s body lines and adding a small, yet significant modification.

Custom line down the ride of the truck
If there are specific images you like or a logo you want displayed, we can use vinyl decals to incorporate them in the paint. They will then be clear coated in, so they lay smooth and create the look you are going for. We have several custom paint techniques we can use to change up the design, such as marble effect or lace overlays, like the custom stripe below.
Consider changing the body itself
If you search custom parts for your vehicle’s make and model, many different options will come up. Maybe a new bumper would make your car or truck look really cool. There are lots of aftermarket parts to look into, such as a new body kit. Body kits let you drastically change the look of the vehicle. Auto body kits will generally include a new front and back bumper, side skirts, and maybe a spoiler. They are different depending on the car, but it’s worth it to browse through the pictures to see if any stand out to you. A quick Google search brings up a lot of pictures showing Before/After a body kit installation. Here’s one of them… Same car, huge difference!

What a difference a new rear bumper and some paint will do! Photo cred: DIMMA.
There are so many options for custom cars these days. You can change almost anything. Body shops like TD Customs can make the custom car modifications that will take your car or truck to the next level, such as installing a sunroof, shaved door handles, or Lamborghini doors. Whatever you are currently driving can be easily customized.
There’s nothing wrong with owning a car that looks identical to many others out there (I drive a light green Camry that I see everywhere), but it is also nice to have something uniquely yours. So instead of looking for the next best thing, why not customize the car you have? (Mine will be getting a custom paint job soon!)
It isn’t just the old classics that deserve a custom paint job!
Any modern car or truck can be custom painted to reflect your personal style. As a specialized auto body shop, we are happy to take a look at your car and come up with some different options for customization. We can look up aftermarket parts that would make it look different, as well suggest some custom paint options.
With a fresh paint job that you carefully choose, your car can be the one that stands out in the parking lot and that you love the most.
If you’re looking for some help in customizing your current ride, contact us to discuss. In the meantime, feel free to look through our Photo Galleries and Custom Paint page for some inspiration.
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